
Is the Video Boss worth the money?

Simple answer? Yes, The Video Boss is worth the price ($1997 if you are curious).  Want more of an explaination?  Read on… Let me start out by saying a couple things: 1.  I HATE the sales letters, internet “gurus”, all the terrible training programs that seems to come out every week, and all that crap. I have […]


Affiliate Marketing Recap – The past couple weeks

Of course you want to hear my opinions on some recent happenings in the world of affiliate marketing. Since I don’t really want to take the time to focus on one specific topic I think I will just briefly comment on some of the stuff happening in the industry over the past couple weeks.  Let’s […]


Joe is Engaged!!!

It finally happened. You read the title right. Joe is engaged! Well, to avoid doing the rest of this post in third person I will rephrase:  I AM ENGAGED!!! So who is the unfortunate victim?  Her name is Kate. She is originally from Columbus, OH but she moved to Spokane, WA just over 4 years […]


Affiliate Summit West 2010 Recap

After sleeping for 12 hours and catching up on emails, tweets, etc. I think I am ready to write my recap of Affiliate Summit West 2010. I was a huge slacker taking pictures so you will have to check out other recaps for those. Overall it was a great trip and a HUGE thanks goes […]


Handicapping the Affiliate Summit Pinnacle Awards

The finalists for the Affiliate Summit Pinnacle Awards have been announced and it looks like a very good crop of contenders this year. Some of these people I know very well, some I have only briefly met, and some I have heard of but that is about it. I sent in my nominations a couple months ago […]


What is Traffic Geyser?

To start out let me get this out of the way: My company is one of the partners in Traffic Geyser. There are three of us partners so yeah, this post might be a bit biased. I will try to keep it objective and not make it totally sound like a sales pitch and hopefully […]


7 Reasons I am Thankful to be an Affiliate

It is always easy to write a blog post complaining about something, pointing out a problem, spouting off on nebulous ideas, and stuff like that but since tomorrow is Thanksgiving I decided to sit back and think of some of the reasons I am thankful to be in the industry I am in so I decided […]


Affiliate Managers who Get It

Over the years I have worked with dozens, maybe even hundreds of affiliate managers and they range from awesome to terrible. Some of them get it and some of them are totally missing the mark with their efforts. So what makes a good affiliate manager?  Here are a few things I think an affiliate manager […]


Shareasale ThinkTank09: Epic Win!

Shareasale Think Tank 09: What an amazing weekend. Shareasale once again blew the roof off the joint with another great ThinkTank. If you aren’t familiar with the Shareasale Thinktank I will give a brief overview. It is basically a conference where Shareasale brings in some of the merchants that work with them, some great OPMs, […]


How good is Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk?

Let me start off by saying I read VERY few books. I can probably count the number of books I have read in the past few years on my fingers. Maybe it is my short attention span, maybe it is the fact that in general I find reading for more than 5 or 10 minutes […]