Most small ecommerce stores have one thing in common: They are pretty clueless when it comes to websites, web hosting, and ecommerce solutions. They end up paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month to a “developer” to run their websites for them. But WP Engine and their ecommerce hosting can help take out […]

Handicapping the 2018 Affiliate Summit Pinnacle Awards
If I only post once a year (actually this makes 3 this year) it is going to be this post. Every year for the past few years (yeah, I skipped 2013) I have handicapped the Pinnacle Awards and given you my winners. Honestly, pretty much everyone nominated is deserving of their award so it is […]

3 Great Features of the FMTC Publisher Toolkit
One common issue I hear all the time from affiliates, especially people who are new to the affiliate space, is “how do I get my affiliate links?”. In most affiliate networks this is a fairly simple process and some of the networks have put together some great tools to make this very easy. One big […]

Will the new Amazon commission structure affect you?
On March 1st is making a fairly substantial change to their commission structure. In the past they had a tiered structure based on the number of units you sold. Their commission rates started at 4% and went up all the way to 8.5% if you sell more than 3131 items per month. This was […]

Handicapping the 2017 Affiliate Summit Pinnacle Awards
The time has come once again for the long awaited (by nobody) Affiliate Summit 2017 Pinnacle Awards Handicapping post. I have done this post for quite a few years now and my record of picking the winners isn’t all that great but this is always a fun post to write so here we go. If […]

6 Things All Type-A Bloggers Can Do To Start Monetizing With Affiliate Links
This post is monetized with affiliate links. If you click and buy something I will probably make some money. I just returned from my first Type-A Parent Conference and was able to connect with a ton of awesome bloggers. Some of them are well seasoned in affiliate marketing, some have dabbled in it a bit, […]

How to Make Money Blogging by Adam Riemer
If you are a blogger you know one of the biggest challenges you will face is how to make money blogging and justify the time and cost of running a blog. In a perfect world we would all love to just share information from the goodness of our hearts but every blog post we make costs […]

Using the ShareASale Product Discovery Bookmarklet, Baskets, and Make A Page Tools has done an awesome job of putting out some great tools for bloggers over the past few years. If you were at the ShareASale ThinkTank this year I am sure at some point you saw some of these tools but maybe you weren’t able to get a feel for all they can do and […]

10 Random Thoughts about the Shareasale ThinkTank
Once again, Shareasale hit a home run with their ThinkTank event in Chicago. This is the 8th ThinkTank I have been to (Scottsdale, San Diego, Newport Beach, Half Moon Bay, Austin, Denver, Charlotte are the others). I attended 4 of those as primarily an affiliate and 4 as primarily an affiliate manager and while the […]

5 Affiliate Tools to add Products to your Posts
For many, many years banner ads and text links were the primary ways affiliates drove traffic to a merchant and sadly in many cases those two forms of links are still the primary affiliates promote a merchant. Don’t get me wrong, I am not against banners and text links. They are an awesome tool to […]