After much anticipation, longing, and requests from my legions of fans I did it. It is time for Joe’s Test Kitchen. I am gonna be taking an idea I come up with and cooking it up and see how it comes out. So take a look below, carve out a few minutes where you can […]
Final Four tickets – What to do with them…
Well, yesterday the UPS guy delivered me my Final Four tickets. How did I get them you ask? Each year the NCAA sells tickets available to the public through a lottery system. I think there is something like 5,000 tickets or so for sale. You submit your entry, pay for the tickets you hope to […]
What hinders your success?
I was sitting here thinking about success and not just in business but in any area of my life and what holds me back. Why don’t I achieve the level of success I think I am capable of? Why do I get stuck in ruts so often? Of course everyone has a different definition of success. […]
Career Day – What is affiliate marketing
So friend of mine who is a high school teacher asked me to come out to his school for career day and give a presentation on what I do. As I was preparing I figured this would be as good a chance as any to explain what I do to those who don’t know. A […]
The 50 Wing Challenge
Well, it is Monday morning after the Super Bowl and more importantly the morning after the 50 Wing Challenge. Just to end all the suspense, yes, I did manage to finish all 50 wings. It was quite the ordeal fraught with many challenges, roadblocks, and excitement. Why did I decide to do this? Well, in the […]
The Obligatory Super Bowl Post
Well, since I am a huge football fan and I have a blog I guess it is my duty to make a Super Bowl post. Everyone keeps asking me who I think will win and I already gave a more detailed breakdown of what I think will happen at but I will summarize here. Basically I […]
The People I Have Met
With the untimely and unfortunate passing of Martin Schaedel in a plane crash in Santa Monica I started thinking about meeting him at Pubcon in Boston back in 2003 and as I did my mind started to drift towards all the great people I have had the pleasure and privilege of meeting over the years. Many […]
My band – Modern Dissent
As some of you know (and many of you probably don’t) I am the bass player in a band with a few of my friends. Our band is Modern Dissent and we have been together for a almost 2 years now. Our lead guitarists and long time friend Bob Delateur approached me in the spring […]
Where do we draw the line?
After reading a post on the Shareasale Blog I decided to throw in my thoughts here. Now keep in mind I am not a technical wizard and don’t understand all the issues here but from the standpoint of a somewhat experienced affiliate I have some opinions. (BTW, for a much better explanation from someone who […]
So what’s the deal???
Well, after years of not doing it I am doing it. I am starting a blog. Why you may ask??? I have been wanting to do a “real” blog for a while now. I have some blogs set up on some of my affiliate websites but those usually don’t say anything about me. They are […]