Archives for March 2011


Affiliate Summit Meetup – Spokane

Last night was the inaugural round of Affiliate Summit Meetups where people all around the country gathered with other affiliate marketers or people who were interested in affiliate marketing. All in all there were around 380 people who got together in 49 different cities. Some of those cities only ended up with 1 person attending but […]


Are we really independent?

One of the best things about working for myself is the “independence”. I get to work from home, I can work whenever I want, I can build whatever sites I want. Pretty much all the day to day decisions regarding my business are made by me. But am I really independent? I was thinking today […]


Affiliate Link Cloaking with CloakPIG

For years I always knew I should be cloaking my affiliate links somehow but usually it takes me years to get around to doing something like this. Until a year or so ago nearly all the sites I built were standard HTML sites and I know there are pretty easy ways to do some PHP […]