
Is the Video Boss worth the money?

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Simple answer? Yes, The Video Boss is worth the price ($1997 if you are curious).  Want more of an explaination?  Read on…

Let me start out by saying a couple things:

1.  I HATE the sales letters, internet “gurus”, all the terrible training programs that seems to come out every week, and all that crap. I have hated them for years and when I see one I want to puke. For the most part they are pretty bad. Of course there are some good ones out there from time to time but I could probably easily say that over 90% of them are pretty worthless.

2.  I only would recommend one of these products to someone if I knew the people behind it and saw it as something I would actually use.

With that said hopefully you will believe me when I say this:  Based on the preliminary videos I have watched, The Video Boss is pretty dang awesome. What is the Video Boss? It is a new video coaching program put out by Andy Jenkins. I am almost positive I met Andy a few years ago at a conference a few years ago. It was a “sales letter” conference with a bunch of the top “gurus” and such pitching their products. When I see stuff like this my BS detector usually goes crazy but it didn’t with Andy.  This guy really knows his stuff when it comes to video, video production, and marketing.

I already do some video stuff.  I film a quasi-weekly video for my football jersey site, I do some videos to promote some of my other sites, I do some videos for some local companies, etc.  So I know enough about video to kind of understand it. And I do plan to make more posts on how I use video. By no means am I an expert but I do know enough to be able to tell if a video training program is good or a piece of junk.  Hopefully when I tell you Video Boss is worth the money you will believe me. Yeah it does cost $1997 (Or just 6 easy payments of $388!!!) but based on what I have seen with the videos I have done and after seeing even the pre-release videos Andy has done I can confidently say that if you take the information Andy gives,  learn what he is saying, apply what he is teaching, and go out and make your videos you will make that money back.  I can’t guarantee that of course. It is mostly up to you and the amount of effort you put forth.

This really isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme.  You will have to put in a lot of time learning and producing videos. But don’t be scared by videos. They really aren’t as hard as they seem. With a $100 Flip camera and some other cheap equipment you can produce some great videos. Lots of people get nervous about being on camera, speaking in public, etc. but you don’t really need even need to be on camera.

I can’t go over every thing contained in this course here (because there is really a lot of info) but here are some of the key modules:

Module 1: Video Universe – Covers development, script writing, post production, distribution, and other general video stuff

Module 2: Video Laboratory – Real world experience, how to create slides, voice overs, and more practical “how to build your video” type stuff.

Module 3:  Live Video Production – Lighting, how to build a home studio, how to film live videos, etc.

Module 4: Edit Like A Pro – Teaches you editing techniques. Over 35 different chapters in this module.

Module 5: Traffic Boss – Covers Video SEO, Link building, Social media, and other stuff like that to actually start making money off your videos.

Plus a bunch of bonus modules.

Here is what I would suggest you do:  Go check out the first 3 videos Andy released. Just watching those 3 videos will give you plenty of info to get started with videos.  If you decide you like what he is teaching buy the course to learn a lot more.  If you watch those videos and realize that video isn’t for you?  Don’t buy!  Don’t waste your money on something you won’t use.

So go check out Traffic Boss and let me know what you think. 

*** Disclaimer*** the links above ARE affiliate links. If you click on them and buy something I will make money.  If you don’t want an affiliate link you can just click here but come on people. I have a wedding to pay for soon. Help me out here.  This isn’t a paid post or nobody put me up to reviewing this product but if you do decide to buy you can help me out by clicking on one of the links above. *** End Disclaimer***

Also if you ever do anything with video you should also check out Traffic Geyser. In Module 5 of Traffic Boss Mike Koenigs (one of the co-founders of Traffic Geyser) talks about video distribution and stuff like that. This guy really does know his stuff. And my company is one of the other partners in Traffic Geyser also so I pretty much have to tell you how great it is.  But hopefully you believe me when I honestly tell you it is a pretty good program with a TON of features in it. So check it out and I would also love to hear what you think about it.

I really hope this post doesn’t come off too salesy or anything. I really do hate stuff like that. I rarely will recommend a product like Traffic Boss unless I really think it is good and from what I have seen so far I think Traffic Boss will be very good. But if you would like to never see a product review or recommendation like this again from me please leave a comment and let me know. I don’t want anyone to think that I am just promoting every product out there just to make money (although I am realizing how expensive weddings can be so you could just buy Traffic Boss and help me out a bit.)


  1. I agree with you Joe.

    Andy was formerly the guy behind Stompernet, I also think he was involved in the making of the Blair Witch project and is a professionally trained video guy.

    I follow a lot of the internet marketing "gurus" and they obviously make their money from product launches, it's an incredibly interesting process they go through to bring a launch about. It's pretty incestuous with everyone promoting everyone else's stuff.

    I've been using Traffic Geyser for a while, just never had the time to sit down and make videos, too busy trying to make money!

    Loving the fact you are blogging, I'm about to do something similar to you, so hopefully after we die the legacy of our thoughts will always be there.

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