
Real Sports Fans Wear Pink

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Help me help others

Since October is breast cancer awareness month I decided to do something I have never tried before.  I wanted to set up an affiliate site for the purpose of raising money for a charity. I know there are many affiliate marketers who do a lot of work for various charities and I figured I would throw my hat in the ring. was founded by Missy Ward back in 2007 and to date has raised more than $200K. This is just one example of some of the great fund raising efforts many affiliates are undertaking all in the name of charity. As a whole affiliate marketers are one of the most generous groups of people I have come across.

I was thinking about how I could help and this last weekend all of the NFL teams had players wearing pink shoes, hats, gloves, and more to raise awareness for breast cancer. Since I do a lot of stuff in the sports merchandise arena I thought “I could build a site and sell a bunch of pink fan gear”.  So that’s what I did. 

I just launched earlier today. During the month of October I will be donating 100% of my affiliate commissions to breast cancer charities. And when October is over I will continue to donate 50% of the sites earnings as well. Will I be able to raise $200K like Missy has?  Probably not. But even if I can get to $1000 this month I will be very pleased.

So what can you do to help? There are a few things you can do to help me with this (and help these deserving charities):

1.  Go buy something!  This is the easiest thing you can do. The site is still in its infancy and I will be adding more products in the coming days but if you go to the site and click on any of the links and buy something I will dontate my commissions to charity. So maybe you can do your Christmas shopping early or maybe you need a new pink hat. Anything you buy will help.

2. Let your friends know. Post the link to the site on Facebook. Tweet about the site. Anything you can do to let your friends know about the site will be great and help support my fundraising efforts.

3. Give me some links!!! Yeah, I usually hate grubbing for links but I am making an exception in this case since it is for charity. Write a blog about the site, link to it from your other sites and blogs, or whatever you want to do. If you want me to do a guest post on your blog about this I will. I will do whatever it takes.

4. Oh yeah… Go Buy Something at Real Sports Fans Wear Pink



  1. Kellie Stevens says:

    Nice one Joe!

  2. Saw your mention of the site over at Jangros and there you go Joe!

    An inspiration to us all. Keep up the good work and good luck raising a lot of $ for the excellent breast cancer charities!

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