Archives for January 2012


Should Affiliate Managers Care About Traffic Sources?

Just a few minutes ago Greg Hoffman (one of the better affiliate managers out there) put a post on Facebook: “As an affiliate manager, I don’t give a rats ass about Pinterest, but I’m glad you like it so much“. And then a discussion cropped up about how an affiliate manager can benefit from Pinterest. […]


What Joe Is Working On This Week – 1-30-12

Well, let’s first start off with a recap of last week and how I did. I had 6 main things I wanted to work on last week and while there are always gonna be other things that come up week by week I really want to try and start knocking more and more stuff off […]


When to use Genesis vs Thesis

From everything I have seen Genesis and Thesis are the two most popular premium WordPress themes out there. I use both of them regularly (this site runs on Thesis) and regularly recommend both of them (and not just because I get an affiliate commission). Overall both of these premium themes are very SEO friendly, somewhat […]


What Joe Is Working On This Week – 1-23-12

Like I mentioned in a post last week I want to keep you updated on what I have planned for this week. After looking at all the stuff I have to do I decided a set schedule of tasks isn’t the way to go. I just need to prioritize the different projects and sites I […]


We Need More Properly Trained Affiliate Program Managers

Many times in the past, either here or on Twitter, I have railed against the bad affiliate management out there. It is just a part of doing business in this industry but you can’t escape the fact that many affiliate programs are being mismanaged by people who really don’t know anything about the affiliate industry. […]


3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying a Domain

Like I have mentioned somewhat recently, I have a ton of domains I have registered and have never really done anything with. Some of them were part of a bigger project that never got off the ground, some were just domains I stumbled across, some were just ideas I registered before giving them much thought. […]


Can Pinterest and Affiliates Have a Happy Marriage?

A few days ago I got an affiliate agreement update from a merchant saying “Submitting affiliate links to social sharing sites such as Pinterest,,, Twitter,, and others is prohibited”. I put up a tweet about it and Scott Jangro expanded on it a bit and I figured it was a topic worthy […]


What to do with that motivation?

Last week I wrote a post about the recent butt kickings I have received. My motivation to succeed is higher than ever right now due to these two recent events and for the past two weeks I have been working on a plan. Of course this plan is totally subject to change and as usually […]


What kicks you in the butt?

We all need some motivation from time to time. It can come in many different forms, it can come at any time, and it will look different for everyone. What motivates one person might not do a thing for someone else. Usually around this time in January I have a ton of motivation after returning […]


The Great Domain Sale of 2012

Like probably every other affiliate marketer out there I have amassed quite a bit collection of domains over the years. Many of the sites have been up and generating sales for years, many of them have just partially completed sites, and many of them have nothing on them. All of them were good ideas in […]